Modular Belt Pallet Conveyor

Our modular belt conveyor is a state-of-the-art modular plastic chain conveyor system. It provides a solid travelling surface for the unit loads, which offers many advantages. Our corrosion resistant modular plastic modular belts allow for easy cleaning and low maintenance plus side-turning belt construction supports product transportation in minimal floor space, turns and spirals. Each section of the conveyor is powered independently allowing simultaneous load movement and load building. Gaps between adjacent sections have been minimised to provide greater stability and ensure transfer of the smallest of items.

The modular/mattop conveyors are a versatile conveyor system that provides maximum flexibility and reliability for packaging applications of various sizes, shapes, and weights requiring gentle and smooth conveying. The System can be used for most conveying applications from palletised goods to furniture, stacks of timber and card, paper reels, parcel handling and vehicles in assembly.

Features & Benefits

  • Design flexibility, ease of layout
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Low noise level
  • Efficient and gentle handling
  • Fixed or variable speed options
Modular Belt Pallet Conveyor Technical Features
Item Technical Features
Load Transport of goods up to 1.500 kg/m
Frames Electro-galvanised, stainless steel
Frame Widths Up to 2.400 mm
Module Length Up to 9.000 mm
Chain Material Acetal plastic solid comprised
Velocity Up to 20 m/min
Power Supply 230/400V, 50 Hz, 3 phase