1. Elevators / Lowerators

Production in many plants takes place on multiple levels or the conveyance pathway needs to stay above aisle ways and walkways. This requires a reliable method for changing elevation with the product conveyance. A means of raising or lowering product loads between different elevations of the conveyor system is therefore required, often within very restricted floor space. Elevators and lowerators are an efficient means of achieving this. Amber Automation offers several types of elevator/lowerator, however the broad principle of operation is the same for all of them. The product load arrives on a conveyor at which point it is accepted and transferred onto the elevator / lowerator which in turn takes it to its new elevation and then discharges it to another conveyor for onward transit. We have the right equipment to solve your needs, which includes side grip style, magnetic, vacuum, and belt style elevators/lowerators.

Many automated floor conveyor systems need to operate continuously on more than one floor of a warehouse or factory building.

     1.1. Side-Grip Conveyor

     1.2. Vacuum Conveyor

     1.3. Vertical Conveyor

     1.4. Spiral Conveyor

     1.5. Magnetic Conveyor